5 Reasons Why Bamboo Straws Are Better Than Plastic

It’s time to make smarter choices, and switching from plastic straws to bamboo is one of the easiest ways you can do your part.

They may be small, but plastic straws pose several hidden health and environmental risks. Nearly 500,000,000 plastic straws are thrown away every year. They’re often made from type 5 plastic, which is not biodegradable. Plastic straws also fall into the single-use plastics category, along with plastic utensils, water bottles, and plastic bags.

Plastic straws also pose serious health risks. They contain the chemical known as BPA, which can lead to an array of severe health problems like cavities or even cancer. There’s no way to reuse plastic straws because of the bacteria that can build-up inside.

Many are trying new ways to cut down on waste, and switching from plastic straws to a reusable option like bamboo is a great alternative. Check out these awesome reasons why bamboo straws are better than plastic!

Bamboo Straws Are Reusable

It has to be a given, but if it wasn’t clear already, bamboo straws are reusable. Bamboo straws are often wider than stainless steel or plastic straws, making them easier to clean as well. They’re extremely durable, natural and lightweight, which makes them even more convenient to bring with you to your favourite café.

Bamboo is Biodegradable

One of the biggest benefits of bamboo straws is that they’re biodegradable. Since these straws are made from a natural resource like bamboo, they can be disposed of easier and make less of an impact on the environment. This advantage is a huge plus for people who garden because the straw can effortlessly break down within compost to be incorporated into new or old soil.

Bamboo Produces 35% More Oxygen Than Other Plants

It’s true! Bamboo can produce 35% more oxygen than other plants. They’re also known for being able to absorb carbon dioxide better than a group of hardwood trees together. Also, bamboo doesn’t need fertilizer, pesticides or herbicides to grow, making them much easier to cultivate than most crops.

It Only Takes 3-5 Years for Bamboo to Reach Adult Size

Bamboo grows fast, like really fast. No crop on the planet can grow faster than bamboo. Some species of bamboo have grown more than three feet in size each day. Plus, once the bamboo is harvested, it can sprout a new shoot from its existing root system, making replanting a non-existent task. This incredible growth rate translates to an adult-sized bamboo plant in around three to five years.

Bamboo Can Grow in Different Types of Environments

Bamboo is one of the easiest crops to grow. It can grow in arid regions and helps add moisture to the soil. This doesn’t mean bamboo can’t thrive in mountainous areas or low wetlands as well. The largest producers of bamboo are China, the United States and different parts of Africa and South America, making economic growth possible in areas of development.

Climate change is real. Each day, the reality is that our planet is changing because of our doing. Even small things have a significant effect on the environment. It’s time to make smarter choices, and switching from plastic straws to bamboo is one of the easiest ways you can do your part.

Don’t forget to check out Strawdoodles on Instagram!